Ankle Dorsiflexion Test: Do You Have Tight Ankles?

Weight Bearing Lunge Test

Limited ankle dorsiflexion has been linked to patellofemoral pain syndrome, as well as overpronation of the foot possibly causing plantar fasciitis.

Follow these steps to test for ankle dorsiflexion mobility:

  • Begin in half kneel facing a wall. Use a tape measure to place foot 5" away from the wall. The other knee should be resting on a pad.

  • Bring your knee over your toes and touch your knee cap to the wall with the heel remaining on the ground.

  • The heel is required to remain in contact with the floor at all times. If your heel comes off, then move toes to 4” mark and retest.

A wall distance of at least 5 inches or 12.5 cm is considered normal ROM. 


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