Impact Massage Services

Impact PT is here to assist you on your journey towards increased flexibility, improved mobility, and enhanced overall well-being. Book your package now and take the first step toward feeling better.

Unlock Wellness with a Perfect Blend of Massage and Stretching

Our Massage and Stretch Packages

Impact Express Massage

Best for those looking to improve recovery and for pain relief

  • 30 Minute Localized Massage

  • Heat Therapy

Individual session: $50

Impact Stretch

Best for those looking to improve flexibility

Individual session: $40

Monthly Subscription: $150 (4 sessions)

Impact Massage

Best for those looking to improve recovery and for pain relief

  • 1 Hour Full Body Massage

  • Hot Stones

Individual session: $115

Monthly Subscription: $400 (4 sessions)

Our Services

  • Poor flexibility & mobility can lead to pain. We use a variety of techniques including static, passive, active-assistive, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) techniques to improve your flexibility & mobility.

  • The suction within the cups creates negative pressure, which helps to increase hydration and blood flow to body tissues, ease up swelling, and eliminate excess fluids. It can be used to relieve pain, promote relaxation, enhance blood flow, and ease inflammation.

  • Our physical therapist will insert a sterile needle through the skin, into the underlying tendons, ligaments, or muscles in order to relieve pain, decrease muscle tension, and improve mobility.

  • Compression boots inflate in a gradient pattern to help increase blood flow and circulation, promote healing and recovery, and decrease muscle fatigue after acute exercise.

  • We use a combination of soft tissue mobilization techniques and Hypervolt vibration massage aimed to decrease muscle tension and pain.

  • Feeling tight? Hot and cold therapies decrease pain and improve circulation. Electrical Stimulation also helps control pain.

Physical Therapist in Kendall, Florida performing a hamstring stretch on a female athlete

Stretching & Mobility

Poor flexibility & mobility can lead to pain. We use a variety of techniques including static, passive, active-assistive, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) techniques to improve your flexibility & mobility.

Physical Therapist in Kendall, Florida performing cupping on female athlete low back for pain relief.


The suction within the cups creates negative pressure, which helps to increase hydration and blood flow to body tissues, ease up swelling, and eliminate excess fluids. It can be used to relieve pain, promote relaxation, enhance blood flow, and ease inflammation.

Physical Therapist in Kendall, Florida performing dry needling on male athlete achilles tendonitis for pain relief.

Dry Needling

Our physical therapist will insert a sterile needle through the skin, into the underlying tendons, ligaments, or muscles in order to relieve pain, decrease muscle tension, and improve mobility.

Physical Therapist in Kendall, Florida performing compression boots on female runner for soreness after marathon.

Compression Boots

Compression boots inflate in a gradient pattern to help increase blood flow and circulation, promote healing and recovery, and decrease muscle fatigue after acute exercise.

Physical Therapist in Kendall, Florida performing massage on middle age low back for pain relief.


Combination of soft tissue mobilization techniques and Hypervolt massage aimed to decrease muscle tension and pain.

Low back spine Kendall, Florida

Heat/Cold Therapy and Electrical Stimulation

Feeling tight? Hot and cold therapies decrease pain and improve circulation. Electrical Stimulation also helps control pain.