Hip Strength for Runners: Why It Matters and How to Improve It

As a runner, you may focus on building strength in your legs, but did you know that hip strength is equally important? The hips play a crucial role in running, providing stability and power throughout the gait cycle. In this blog post, we will discuss why hip strength is important for runners and how to improve it.

Why Hip Strength Matters for Runners

The hips are responsible for stabilizing the pelvis during running, which helps to prevent injury and improve efficiency. Weak hip muscles can lead to improper alignment and compensations in other parts of the body, which can increase the risk of injury. Additionally, strong hip muscles can help to generate power and speed, which can improve performance.

Exercises to Improve Hip Strength for Runners


  • Lie on your side with your knees bent and feet together.

  • Keeping your feet together, lift your top knee as high as you can without rotating your pelvis.

  • Lower your knee back down and repeat for 15-20 reps before switching to the other side.

Star Plank

  • Start by laying on your side with your knees bent on top of eachother.

  • Push into the ground with your bottom knee and elbow and lift your hips off the ground where your ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder are in a straight line.

  • Lift top knee while keeping it bent. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds

  • Bridges

Split Squats

  • Start in a lunge position (one foot in front, one foot in back). 

  • Slowly lower your body down while keeping the majority of your weight on the front foot and your chest facing forward. 

  • Stop when your thigh is parallel with the floor and right before your back knee hits the floor. Hold the bottom position for 5 seconds then return to neutral position.

  • 3-4 sets of 15 reps

  • This works your quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteals


Hip strength is a crucial component of running performance and injury prevention. Incorporating exercises that target the hip muscles, such as clamshells, fire hydrants, bridges, and squats, can help to improve hip strength and stability. These exercises should be included as part of a comprehensive strength training program, along with exercises that target the legs and core. By focusing on hip strength, runners can improve their form, reduce the risk of injury, and achieve their running goals.


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